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Title I Services



The purpose of Title I is to support school efforts to ensure that all children meet challenging academic standards and have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. This purpose can be accomplished by providing additional resources for high poverty schools to enhance educational opportunities for disadvantaged students. Title I funds must be used in addition to District and State funds. All of the services students would receive in the absence of Title I must be in place before Title I funds are used.


Title I provides flexible funding that may be used to provide additional instructional staff, professional development, extended-time programs, and other strategies for raising student achievement in high-poverty schools. The program focuses on promoting schoolwide reform in high-poverty schools and ensuring students' access to scientifically based instructional strategies and challenging academic content. Title I provisions provide a mechanism for holding states, school districts, and schools accountable for improving the academic achievement of all students and turning around low-performing schools, while providing alternatives to students in such schools to enable those students to receive a high-quality education. 



  • All students should have a fair, equal and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality education and to reach, at minimum, proficiency on state academic standards and objectives.

  • Local districts, schools and parents know best what their students need to succeed. The Title I program allows them to decide how to use these funds to implement evidence- based practices to help students who are failing or who are at risk of failing in school.

  • Parents are partners in helping all students achieve. They have the right to be involved in the design and operation of their school’s Title I program, and at the same time, a responsibility to help their children succeed in school.

How to Participate:

  • Parents can serve on the Title I/School Community Council to contribute to important decisions concerning our school.

  • Families are invited to school meetings including Back to School Night, conferences and other school activities.

  • On going communication between families and the school is important. It includes:

    • Report Cards

    • Home-School Compact

    • Newsletters

    • School Website

  • The classroom teacher will provide families with information on curriculum standards and assessments.

  • Annual reports of individual student proficiencies including RISE results will be provided to each family.

How Your Child Can Participate:

Students are identified for additional help in the following ways:

  • Below proficient scores on end-of-year state assessment. 

  • Below grade level performance on assessments for reading such as DIBELS

  • Below grade level performance in math on the Murray School District benchmark assessments. 

  • Below grade level performance on classroom level math or reading assessments that show the student is in need of additional help

  • The student’s teacher and the school team make decisions about which students in the school demonstrate the greatest need for services available.

Reading Interventions:

Reading intervention occurs both inside and outside the classrooms. Students needing additional help, receive one-on-one small group evidence-based reading instruction from trained para-educators up to 4 times per a week. 

Parent Involvement:

Families have opportunities to gain additional skills and materials through family nights, and other parent activities offered by Title 1 during the school year. 

Schools Identified as Title I​

Title I School Report Cards:

Parent Involvement Policies:

Resources and Links

Utah State Board of Education Student Advocacy Services

Florida Center for Research in Reading

Missy Hamilton 2017 Profile Pic.jpg
Missy Hamilton
District Title I Director
Keri Hohnholt
Title I Specialist
District Math
Instructional Coach
Susan Jorgensen.jpeg
Susan Jorgensen
New Teacher Mentor
District ELA

Instructional Coach
Headshot _edited.jpg
Harmony Kryger 
Elementary ESL
Instructional Coach
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